Large Number Cards

  • Show Me

Ask your child to point to the different numbers on their T-shirt.

  • What’s That?

Point to the numbers and ask your child to name them.

  • What’s Missing?

This game requires your child to be within reach. First, ask your child to cover their eyes and cover one of the numbers. Then, the child must guess which one is missing.

  • Building Numbers

Your child can try to make the shape of the numbers they see using lollipop sticks, Play-Doh or pebbles.

  • Drawing Numbers

Allow your child to try to draw or paint the numbers on paper. You can also fill a tub with flour, sand or corn starch so they can draw with their fingers.

  • Tracing/ Sky Writing

To trace, ask your child to extend their middle and index fingers together so they can slowly follow the lines of the numbers. They can also use the same two fingers to write the numbers in the air.

  • Examining the Size

Ask your child if they notice a difference in the size of the numbers. Try to elicit that they recognize that each is bigger than before, then count the zeros.

  • Changing the Numbers

This game requires some prep. First, create some cards numbered 1-9. Then, hold them above the T-shirt numbers to make new numbers. For example, 10 can become 70 if you place a seven over the printed 1.

  • Associating Symbols and Quantities (Potentially only possible up to 100 in most situations)

Use something you have an abundance of, like beads, coins, blocks, etc. Place one item to the left of your workspace. This is one unit. Count out ten units from top to bottom. That is one ten. Count out ten tens from top to bottom, left to right. That is 100. If you can continue to 1000, then continue in this manner.