Land Water and Air English

  • Show Me

Ask your child to point to land, water and air one by one, then mix up the order.

  • What’s That?

Point to land, water and air one by one and ask your child to name them.

  • What’s Missing?

This game requires your child to be within reach. First, ask your child to cover their eyes and cover one of the squares. Then, the child must guess which one is missing.

  • Make a List

Make a list of anything and everything that you can think of that you would find in the water. Then, do the same for land and air. Try to activate your child's imagination for this so they can think about items other than what they can see in their immediate environment.

  • Draw your List

Split a piece of paper into 3 and ask your child to draw a selection of things in the appropriate places.

  • Where Does it Go?

Choose a category such as animals or transportation. Then, list various animals/ transportation and let your child decide where they can be found.

  • Feel it

You can explain land, water and air using the t-shirt. Practice breathing exercises for air, stamp your feet for land, and (depending where you are) drink some water, splash in a puddle, touch the rain or run your hands under a tap for water.