Colour Box 1 English
- Show Me
Ask your child to point to the colours on their T-shirt one at a time, then mix up the order.
- What’s That?
Point to the colours individually and ask your child to name them.
- What’s Missing?
This game requires your child to be within reach. First, ask your child to cover their eyes and cover one of the colours. Then, the child must guess which one is missing.
- Eye- Spy
Look for items in everyday life that match the colour of your choice through the game Eye-Spy. Play one game where everything you spy has to be yellow. On another occasion, change the colour and repeat.
- Bring Me
Ask your child to bring you something that matches the colour of your choosing, then put it back.
- Colour Piles
Make 3 piles to represent the 3 colours. Ask your child to bring you items from their environment and see how many objects they can find. Which bundle is the biggest/ how many things are in each pile? Does the outcome change if you play this game in another room? Outside?
- Colour Sorting
Give your child a selection of mixed-up objects to sort that are red, yellow and blue. You can do this with everyday items from your environment.
- Mixing Colours
If you have access to paints, you can do an experiment to see what happens when the primary colours are mixed together! Then, play any of the games above with the secondary colours they create.
Or you can add white gradually to see how it affects the shade to illustrate how many types of each colour can be.
- Make a List
Make a list of anything and everything you can think of that is red. Then, do the same for the other two colours. Again, try to activate your child's imagination for this so they can think about items other than what is in their immediate environment.